PROSPECT PARK nrp phase II (2004- 2011)
by Steve Cross, August, 2004
(Note: This is a personal statement intended to provide a summary for informational purposes.)
Revised, Richard Poppele, April 2005.
1. Complete a report on NRP Phase 1 and have the neighborhood’s fiscal agent (PPERRIA) and the neighborhood approve it.
2. The fiscal agent (PPERRIA) may seek release of some funds for the purpose of administering the adoption portion of Phase 2. (This has been done. $14,000 was sought and approved.)
3. Hold a neighborhood meeting to both approve a contract with a fiscal agent for Phase 2 and select a Steering Committee to draft a Phase 2 Plan. It may also approve funds for early access projects.
4. The Steering Committee holds meetings and completes a plan for Phase 2. The plan is to reflect the interests of all stake-holders in the neighborhood.
5. A neighborhood meeting will clarify neighborhood priorities and decide how the available funds ($330,000) will be allocated. An action plan will be written by the Steering Committee.
6. Another neighborhood meeting is help to approve (amend, reject, etc.) the plan created by the Steering Committee.
7. Any plan approved by the neighborhood must then be approved by the NRP Policy Board.
8. The neighborhood's fiscal agent (PPERRIA) then implements the approved plan.
Neighborhood meetings are open to all connected to the neighborhood. That includes renters as well as owners of residences, businesses, students, and others. It is independent of PPERRIA and any membership in that organization.
NRP 2 Steering Committee
The NRP-2 Steering Committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in the Multi-Purpose Room at Luxton Community Center from 7:30 - 9 p.m. The public is welcomed.
Steering Committee Members elected at Kickoff Meeting, October 13, 2004.
- Minutes from October 13, 2004 meeting (Kickoff Meeting). PDF
- Minutes from October 20, 2004 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from November 1, 2004 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from November 15, 2004 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from December 6, 2004 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from January 17, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from February 7, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from February 21, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from March 7, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from March 21, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from April 4, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from April 18, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from April 20, 2005 meeting. (Neighborhood Voting) PDF
- Minutes from May 2, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from May 16, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from May 31, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from June 6, 2005 meeting. PDF
- Minutes from June 20, 2005 meeting. PDF